Will We Go on a War for Water (TEDx)
Water. It's the most essential and pervasive element of life. Yet, nearly half of humanity will face water scarcity by 2030 due to climate change and population growth. What can be done about the looming crisis of a global drought? Could water scarcity spark war as world leaders have already predicted? In this bold and hopeful TEDx talk, Kaveh Madani shares a different approach to the water crisis, one that promotes thinking and possibilities as fresh as clean water.
Environmental Security in the Middle East
The Middle East region faces a laundry list of challenges, from civil strife and poor governance to regional rivalries and economic stagnation. Exacerbating these challenges are growing threats from environmental degradation, water shortages and climate change. To discuss these important issues, the Atlantic Council hosted a panel discussion on environmental security in the region and the implications for regional stability featuring Peter Gleick, Kaveh Madani and Caitlin Werrell.
Wicked Human-Nature Problems
Coupled human-nature system of systems is characterized by uncertainty, limited predictability, bounded rationality, indeterminate causality, and evolutionary change. To determine the impact of a specific policy intervention, an integrated analysis approach is needed that provides a holistic view of complex interactions within such system of systems. In this talk at Utah State University, Kaveh Madani highlights some of the major challenges of modeling and managing complex systems to argue why we often fail to develop comprehensive technological and policy solutions that can solve one problem without creating new ones.
Fostering International Science in a Time of Nationalism
Frustration is mounting over nationalist policies in the U.S. and other countries, which are obstructing the free exchange of ideas and effective collaboration among scientists. While we must respect differences of opinion regarding immigration, national security, and other policies, we cannot remain silent when human dignity is violated and when the free exchange of ideas and knowledge is impeded.
Water, Complexity, and Public Policy in Iran
In this seminar at Utah State University, Kaveh Madani argues that Iran is suffering from a socio-economic drought—i.e. “water bankruptcy,” where water demand exceeds the natural water supply significantly. He believes that the current structure of the water governance system and the food-dependence paranoia in Iran leaves minimal hope for a meaningful reform that can address Iran’s water problems in a timely manner.
Communicating Climate Change to the Public
IKaveh Madani calls for building the right narratives to fight against fake news when it comes to communicating climate change.
Water as Leverage - from Risk to Reward
Kaveh Madani, environmental scientist, educator, and activist, speaking about the challenges and opportunities of managing water in the 21st century at the annual conference of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS), organized by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) in its 100-year anniversary in Stockholm, Sweden.
Environmental Insecurity in the Middle East
In this conversation at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, Kaveh Madani discusses the role of politics, development policies, and mismanagement in the environmental challenges facing the Middle East.
Iran's Statement by Dr. Kaveh Madani at COP 23 | UNFCCC
Kaveh Madani, Deputy Head of Iran's Department of Environment and the head of Iran's delegation reading the country's statement at COP23 climate change negotiations in November 2017 in Bonn, Germany.
Water Bankruptcy and Politics in Iran
In this seminar, Kaveh Madani, a former deputy head of Iran’s Department of Environment, overviews the major drivers of Iran’s water problems and shares his observations during his service as the Deputy Vice President of a country that is under strong external and internal pressure. He argues that Iran is suffering from a socio-economic drought—i.e. “water bankruptcy,” where water demand exceeds the natural water supply significantly.
The Overlooked Power of Society in the Water Science-Policy Interface
By highlighting the value of public information and citizens knowledge, Kaveh Madani argues why activating bottom-up forces through direct communication to society is essential to reshaping water management reform discussions and meaningful policy actions that can address water challenges locally and globally.
Greater than the Sum of Its Parts
As part of the Water Institute's WaterTalks lecture series at the University of Waterloo, Kaveh Madani talks about some of the deceiving assumptions and misleading policies in modelling and managing water. The talk highlights major limitations of the conventional water resources systems modeling and analysis frameworks to argue why we need to adopt alternative analysis approaches if we want to develop comprehensive solutions to our water problems without causing unintended consequences.
UNEA 3-Iran's National Statement by Dr. Kaveh Madani
National Statement of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the third session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) Delivered by H.E. Dr. Kaveh Madani, Deputy Head of the Department of Environment.
Iran's Water Crisis (Stanford University)
Despite having a more advanced water management system than most Middle Eastern countries, Iran is experiencing a serious water crisis. Dr. Kaveh Madani discusses the roots, current status, impending risks, and possible solutions.
Modeling & Managing Coupled Human-Environment System of Systems
Kaveh Madani highlights some of the major limitations of modelling tools that are used for nexus and complex systems analysis to argue why we often fail to develop comprehensive technological and policy solutions that can solve on problem without creating new ones.
Why Water Resources Engineering? (Dr. Kaveh Madani, Imperial College London)
Dr. Kaveh Madani's sample lecture on the significance of water resources engineering at Imperial College London
Lake Urmia Water Diplomacy (Tufts University)
Can Water Diplomacy Enable a New Future for the Lake Urmia?
Dr. Kaveh Madani from the Centre for Environmental Policy of Imperial College London overviews the institutional aspects of the Lake Urmia tragedy.
Water Crisis in Iran (Lund University)
Dr. Kaveh Madani (Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London) describes the symptoms and causes of the serious water crisis in Iran, and recommends various solutions to exit the current crisis.
Connecting the Unconnected: Energy Access (ISES)
In the first plenary session of ISES 2015 in Bali, Indonesia, Dr. Kaveh Madani, discusses how energy security can be achieved based on a system of systems perspective that considers the nexus of energy sector with other important sectors such as food, water, and climate.